What is “The Journey Of A Life Redeemed”?


Simply put, it is just an idea—for now.

The Journey Of A Life Redeemed is a work of art I hope to create. It actually involves four works of art in a single cohesive unit, each piece representing a step in the journey of brokenness, hope, transformation, and finally peace.

At first there was no idea, there was only the void (dramatic pause). Okay, there was only me taking pictures and creating prints. I was looking through my portfolio and one image, Object Of Hope, struck me as particularly meaningful. Over the next couple of months “Time Does Not Heal All Wounds” started speaking to me. That’s what it felt like—that the images were actually talking to me. Soon after that I connected the two images but didn’t know why.

For a few weeks these two images chatted away in my brain every now and then and I kept thinking, “Those two images belong together.” Then as I was looking through my portfolio again I saw those two images and made the connection with “Fall From Ruin”. Instantly the story came together, the story of a journey, a journey I had been on all my life. But why? What is the point of taking such a journey? What do I hope to achieve at the end? And then “Contentment”. Of course, the journey itself is quite tumultuous and painful but what do all my heroes have in common? Well, a lot of things, like courage, integrity etc. but throughout it all is contentment. A peace that passes all understanding. In good times and bad, in high or low tide.

I could not ignore this story. It was an idea that would not let go.

Of course our lives are not so linear, just one step in the journey after another. I myself bounce around quite a bit often wandering around for a while in brokenness before finding hope again and back to growth and transformation. Sometimes I ping-pong around a bit before heading out to work.

I have actually experienced contentment once. Can you believe it? I know it’s hard to imagine but it’s true. I’m not talking about the peace that comes when you get your way or something knocks you off your rocker and you’re out cold. I’m talking a kind of inner tranquility durring a very harsh storm.

Maybe I’ll tell that story another time, meanwhile, I’ll be writing here of the artwork that creates “The Journey Of A Life Redeemed”, why each piece is what it is and how it came about. I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope you can reflect on your own journey. It’s important—you are important and you deserve healing and peace in your life.


Time Does Not Heal All Wounds—the image